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The Silmarillion
The Hobbit
The Lord of the Rings
(Main Text)
The Lord of the Rings
The Silmarillion
The Hobbit
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King

Also Part Of

elf-banes elf-blade elf-cake elf-caves elf-charge elf-children elf-cloak elf-countries Elf-country elf-eyes elf-faces elf-fashion elf-fires elf-fountains elf-friend elf-friends elf-guards elf-hair Elf-havens elf-horse elf-host Elf-kin Elf-kindred elf-king Elf-kingdoms Elf-kings Elf-lady Elf-lands elf-letters elf-lord elf-lords Elf-magic Elf-maid elf-maiden Elf-Man Elf-minstrels elf-prince elf-princes elf-queen elf-road elf-rune elf-runes Elf-sires elf-speech elf-stone elf-sword elf-tongue Elf-towers Elf-wardens Elf-warrior elf-woman elf-wrights elf-wrought wood-elf


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Lots more coming in the months ahead including incorporating our name index work, lemmatization, etymology, part-of-speech, grammatical role, semantic classification, collocations, speaker identification. We'd also like to link to scholarly work on particular terms and to the Tolkien Gateway.

If you have suggestions, including new tags to classify words with (and especially if you are willing to help do the tagging), please join our Discord.