Only Part (328)

components of hyphenated words that do not appear standalone in the corpus

acting adan adar Aelin airetári Aldarion Ambar Ancalimë Ancalimon ann ant aras architecture Ard autiful baggins baiting balls banes barkers bearer’s bee beens bellied Ben blackhanded blacksmith bladed bloodthirsty bloody bogey bowlegged Bralda Branda breek brimmed buff buri burúmë burzum Calion caran chaered changer charnel chebin cheeked Ciryatan clan class clawfingered cleaver clip clippety clippings clue cockle corpse counters cradle crested cropped crownéd cúarthol curdling cushion cutter dang danwedh deedle deepvalleyblack diddle dining dinners diriel dour drake drakes dressing driver duinath dûkan dún dûr dweller dwimmer E eared edhil eights eleventy elleth enshrouded evileyed fa fag falmar fanged farmed fauglith fearers feiniel filbert Firn fisher flag flaxen flip floored footed fore Forestmanyshadowed foulbellied fuin fungus galad gatherer gaurhoth gear’s gelydh giliath girls glob gotten grandchildren greys groomed grounded guinar gun Gwaith hafted haired harnessed hearted helter hemlock herd hilted hîm historians hog holm hued humorous Huorn i im imp ish ishi jack jail jaw kamanda Khazad Kheled Kibil killer kindliness knell knuckled kûd lalla lally lander landers lanta lasse leaved legged legion lil limbed limestone lind lírinen lisse loft lolly lumber mannered mânu Meneldur mênu metta mid Min Minyatur mírdain miruvóreva mocking morimaite morninged moth mouthed muck Na nâla natured ndaedelos ndengin needles neek neldor nesting nirnaeth Noman nots nuin oared Olog omened opener openers Orod Ost outs palan paring parsley passers pated paving pies pig plank plantations plated player plum plume pond portage pot’s pre princeling pronged propping prowed Púkel ra rah rakers rass re resin robin roomed rumba ry Sackville Sakalthôr salvage semi serried shaded sheaves shirelike shooter sided sincahonda skelter sledge snaring sneakin’ socks spirited sports Springle sprouting squint steerers Stonehouse storeyed stringed Súrion tag talkin’ Tar tasarion tat tathren Taurelilómëa Telemmaitë Telperiën thennath thinkin’ thôn throated tiered tilted tissue tongued toothed toss tra trains trestle tril trouser truncheons trysting tumbalemorna turnip tusk umbels Un Vanimeldë vulture weal weavers Were wheedling whoop whortle wightish windowed withy witted wolvish zag zagging zags zâram zig zimraphel zimrathôn