Vocabulary eXpected Grade Level: Kindergarten (340)

a about after again ale all am an and any are as ask asking asks at ate away back backed backs bad bag bags ball balls bat be because bed beds bee been bees before bell best big bitter black blacker blue book both box boy brown browned browner browns burrow but buy by cake caked cakes call called calls came can cans cat cats cold colder coldest come comes could counted counting counts cow cowed cowing cry day did do does dog door doors down duck ducked eat eating end every fall farmer fast first five fly for four fours fox from fun funny game games gave get gets give gives giving go going good got green greened greener had hand hands has hat hats have he help helped helps hen her here hi him his hit hits hitting hold home hop hopping hot house how i if in into is it jump jumping just keep know knows last lasted lasts let lets letter like little live living livings long longed longer longs look made make man manning many may me men milk more mother much must my name names need nest nesting nests new newer next nibbled nibbling nice nicest no nose noses nosing not now of off old oldest on one only or our out over pan pans pig play please pop popped popping pops pretty put ran read red ride room roomed rooms run said same sang sat saw sawed sawing say seasons see sees shapes she sheep shoe shorter sing singing sit six sixes sleep sleeps snow snowed snows so some soon stop sun suns take tall taller tell ten than thank thanked that the them then there these they thing things think thinks this three threes to today too top topped toy tree trees try turns two twos under up ups us very walk want was we well welled welling wells went were wet what when where white whiter whitest who why will willed wills with would yea years yellow yes you your yours


Mapping of American English vocabulary by grade levels, Flor et al (2024)